The Perfect Digital Health Linkedin Company Page
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

If you provide digital health or health IT solutions to hospitals and healthcare systems, what is the perfect social media platform for you?

You probably want social media to accomplish three key things for your business:

Revenues/Cash Flow/Profits- Many of your current and future clients are active on social media sites. With social media, you have a ripe opportunity to connect, convert, and contract with them. 

Brand Building- Social media is the express lane to make a name for your brand. You can jump in now, gain the early advantage, and establish your firm as the expert, the go to resource, in the particular problem your product or service solves.

Get Attention/Drive Traffic- With all the noise and messages floating around online today, getting attention is your most valuable marketing asset. Social media sites, when you use the right appraoch, have the ability to gain attention and drive traffic to your website.

So, with these three keys in mind, what determines where to focus your time and resources on Social Media?

It’s really pretty simple. It’s your Buyer Personas. Where do they hang out and spend time online? Who do they trust, who influences them? Where do they go to connect with other industry peers and get information about challenges and problems they face?

Consider these two examples:

Where would a healthcare system Chief Information Officer go to get information about IT solutions to integrate into his or her hospitals? Google search, possible Twitter, and Linkedin more than likely. He or she would unlikely turn to family and friends on Facebook for this technical, professional information.

Conversely, a 45 year old manager of the local Applebee’s recently diagnosed with diabetes, probably will explore what his or her friends and family know about smartphone blood sugar monitoring apps on Facebook.

Don’t assume you know what social media networks your buyer personas use. Do some research. Ask customers and prospects where they go to get answers to the problems you solve. 

Keep in mind, social media is a great way to amplify your marketing message and expand your growth strategy. You must have value added content to offer. Social Media, on all the platforms, does not respond well to traditional broadcast push messages.

Even on the platforms that fit your buyer personas, it’s a Listen, Give, Engage… and then Ask approach. It requires a patient, well-conceived strategy.

So, now lets’ look at what Linkedin has to offer your digital health business…

The Case for Linkedin: The Perfect Platform for B2B Digital Health Marketing?

With over 225 million users, Linkedin is the premier network for B2B. Linkedin is nearly 3 times more effective in generating B2B leads than either Twitter or Facebook.. It a serious network for real business. The tone is professional, so put on your best suit and behavior. It’s best to avoid the witty Twitter one-liners and funny Facebook photos on Linkedin.

Without question, if you provide enterprise health IT products and services, you must have a strong Linkedin presence. 

Linkedin Best Practices

To grow your reach, increase engagement with your business, generate website traffic, and generate leads and ultimately clients, here’s the Linkedin game plan.

1. Create a Company Page- The Linkedin graphic specs for the Company Page Profile are 646 X 220 pixels. As recommended with your Twitter and Facebook Profile and Page, you want to present a consistent and professional brand appearance and message. Be consistent with colors, logos, images, fonts, and taglines. Avoid stock photos. Use original photos of your staff and clients. (with permission, of course) Write a brief, concise description of what you do, markets you serve, and problems you solve. Use keywords, but avoid buzzwords.

2. Get 100 Company Page Followers- After you create your Company Page, have your entire staff send an in-mail to their network and invite Followers to your Company Page.

3. Optimize Personal Profiles- The Personal Profiles of key marketing, sales, customer service, and even technical/operations staff play a key role in supporting your Linkedin Company Page and enhancing your brand message on Linkedin. Make sure your staff is optimizing their Linkedin activity and working in concert with your Linkedin Company Page efforts.

The Key to Linkedin is to create a Company Page and supporting Personal Profiles that target your buyer personas, or Ideal Clients. With this strategy, you position your business to use Linkedin to attract and connect with qualified future clients for your digital health business.







photo credit: Nan Palmero via Flickr

Digital Health Linkedin Company Page Status Update

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