How to Increase Traffic to Your mHealth Blog
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

Without traffic to your mHealth blog and website, nothing happens with your online and inbound marketing efforts.

No traffic= no readers.

No readers=no subscribers to your list

No subscribers= no leads

No leads= no prospects

No prospects= no presentations

No presentations= no sales

No sales= no money

No money= no business

You get the picture…

So how can you jump-start your blog and get more traffic?

Here are three things that seem to work… but not necessarily for your Mobile Health marketing…

How-to-Increase-Blog-Traffic-in-3-Easy-Ways1Infographic Credit

So now let’s take a deeper look at these…

3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Mobile Health Blog Traffic

1. Increase Blogging Frequency I agree, the more often you blog, the more traffic you will see. But, blogging more frequently isn’t easy for lots of businesses.

More important is blogging consistency. It’s better to blog once a week, rather than 4 times in once week and then go silent for 3 weeks. Find a frequency you can do consistently first, then add more frequency.

2. Post length over 2000 words? Let’s get real here. Most of your posts will not get close to 2000 words. If you’re in a hyper-competitive online market, such as marketing, this traffic rule applies. For many other industries, it doesn’t. Most of your posts will be in the 400-500 word range, even as few as a couple hundred words.

Don’t get hung up on length of the post. Focus on one keyword or keyword phrase and deliver value. A 300 word post that addresses your prospect’s problem is better than a 2000 word post that wastes his or her time.

But, be prepared to go deep and answer in detail on topics and keywords you want to own in your market.

3. Multi-Media Pulls in Traffic- Every post must include an interesting, relevant photo or image. Images DO help pull readers into to your post. Images earn the click from social media sharing sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+.

It’s easy to find images, either free or low-cost. Make sure you have the copyrights to use an image. The best images to use are those you create.

Also, don’t forget the power of video. YouTube videos can easily be embedded and shared in your posts for free. Again, the best videos are those you produce.


photo credit: BottleLeaf via photopin cc

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