Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

Yes, believe it or not, understanding how Jerry Seinfeld crafts a Pop Tart joke reveals a secret about why an agile process works in mHealth marketing.

This New York Times interview with Jerry Seinfeld takes you behind the curtain of creativity.

Seinfeld explains how he crafts a joke and how the pieces, the timing, the language, even the number of syllables in words all come together as a final polished joke.



Seinfeld is the master at making something out of nothing.

Yet, something felt missing in this interview to me.

It’s hard to imagine that Seinfeld would obsess for two years, crossing out words and phrases about Pop Tarts all on his own without at least testing his lines with his audience to see if he’s on the right track.

Pop Tarts jokes are nothing, but entertaining and connecting with your audience…

Giving them the gift of a laugh..

Now, that’s something.


Your mHealth Product or Service Isn’t “Nothing”

Now, you as an mHealth Marketer, you have something.

You have a product or health care service that matters. It helps to save lives. It helps to make lives healthier. It helps the health care professionals better help their patients.

So, doesn’t it makes sense that if Seinfeld spends two years iterating a story about nothing to turn it into something, you’d have a process to turn your “something” into “something really big”?


Understand Why an Agile Process Makes Sense for mHealth Marketing

Many mHealth firms are deeply invested in the technology of what they do. They talk about what is comfortable, the technology, rather than telling a story about the technology that connects with users.

Likewise, many mHealth firms buy into the value of an agile process applied to their marketing.

Yet, all too often, they get hung up on the tactics, the process itself, rather than the reason why the process makes sense as a marketing strategy.


“That’s Gold, Jerry, Gold”

Sometimes your mHealth story connects with the right audience without two years of yellow pad agony.


Yes, it’s still a process.

Even when you nail the story with your audience with little effort.

Or, maybe Jerry was able to deliver Gold to Bania as a result of his agile efforts of perfecting the pop Tart joke?

Here’s the lesson:

mHealth marketing isn’t about the technology. It’s not about some agile process.

It’s not the process itself. It’s a commitment to the process. It’s your commitment to discovering how to tell your best story to your audience.

It’s all about the Gold.

Seinfeld makes lives better with laughs.

You make lives better with your mHealth solutions.

That’s Gold!




photo credit: Klara Kim via photopin cc

Embrace The Process- Why mHealth Firms Should Go Agile