Turn Your Health IT Website into a Sales Tool
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.


Your health IT buyers are busy.

They resist your attempts to set up sales meetings.

They conduct nearly 70% of the buying process on their own before they even agree to talk or meet with you.

Here’s the reality.

The Internet has dramatically changed how your prospects buy.

The salesperson no longer controls the Buying Process.

Today, a well-oiled marketing strategy does the bulk of the selling process.

In addition, more Decision Makers are involved in the process.

During the last five years, the average sales cycle has become 22% longer, typically with three or more decision makers participating in the buying process (Sirius Decisions).

So, what’s the answer?

Your website MUST become a Sales Tool.

Will your Health IT business capitalize on the changing marketplace?

Or, will you struggle to remain relevant and competitive?

Here what you need to do to have marketing tee up prospects for sales.

1. Define your Target Market and Ideal Client- Effective marketing, especially effective inbound, digital marketing, starts with clearly defining WHO is your Market. What type of business or organization are you trying to reach? WHO has purchased from you in the past? Who is your competition targeting?

The more FOCUS on WHO you are trying to attract and serve as clients, the more effective your marketing.

2. Find and Understand Prospects’ Pain Points-  And, then give away FREE advice on how to solve their pain. Your content SHOWS how you work. It demonstrates your understanding of your prospects’ pains and challenges. You build relationships and earn trust with prospects.

Giving away FREE advice in the form of expert content is key to converting prospects into sales.

3. Establish a Platform- The leading brands today realize they have the ability to control the media. They can create their own media platform. Your blog, podcast, white papers, webinars, YouTube videos, email follow-ups establish your online footprint. Your platform brands your message and health IT firm. 

You don’t need to do everything. Your market and budget will dictate the elements to incorporate in your platform. More important than doing everything is to pick three or four platform elements that match how your market consumes information and your organization’s strengths.

Make a commitment to consistently produce educational contaent within your platform.

4. Lead Nurturing Touch Points- The sales cycle of a 6 or 7 figure enterprise Health IT project develops over time. Marketing must provide content that keeps the prospects engaged and moving forward. Email follow-up is vital.

Providing more in-depth content in the form of white papers, webinars, and case studies beyond blog posts are the content tools needed to nurture leads towards sales.

5. Marketing and Sales Synergy- Marketing and Sales can no longer operate in silos. Marketing must provide the content support Sales needs during the Sales Process. Likewise, Sales must feed Marketing valuable client and prospect feedback they encounter during the Sales Process.

Keep in mind, your website is the hub of how you deliver content to your prospects during the Sales Process. Each page must ask the question: How will this piece of content move the prospect to the next step in the Sales Process?

Take a deeper dive into how to turn your Health IT website into a Marketing and Sales Asset.



 photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

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