Who is the perfect Google Glass user?
- Tech savvy. Loves new technology.
- Busy professional. Efficiency rules.
- Requires instant access to information.
- Needs the ability to record with voice, photos, and video.
- Requires hands-free operation.
- Has disposable income to buy the device and pay for custom application development.
Answer: Surgeons.
Many question the mass consumer adoption of Google Glass, but see it as the potential device of choice for medicine.
Google Glass certainly frees the hands of surgeons, making surgery more efficient. Entering and accessing data in Electronic Health Records at the point of care is made easier too.
Glassomics, the world’s first Google Glass incubator, is a living laboratory of experimentation and prototype development between Palomar Health and Qualcomm Life in Southern California. While this is the largest scale effort to develop Google Glass medical prototype and applications, when Google releases the Glass Developer Kit, more bootstrap Glass developers are certain to emerge on the scene.
As a digital health entrepreneur, how does Google Glass potentially change your product and service development?
Seems that any digital health products or services that touch the OR or the ER, must take a hard look at Google Glass.
If this is your space, have you developed an idea or concept for Google Glass?
Have you identified your potential target audience… obviously surgeons. But, perhaps, specific types of surgeons narrows the product or service challenge?
Do you know what your identified groups of surgeons really want? How do you get your targeted surgeons wearing Google Glass, and how do you find out what excites them and frustrates them about the potential use of Google Glass?
Once you know the hot buttons and pain points of surgeons using Google Glass, then you’re ready to develop marketing and sales messages to bring your Glass product or service to market.
Well capitalized, first market innovators have an opportunity right now with Google Glass.
If you’re betting on Google Glass, let’s talk about how we can help you bake marketing into you product development.
photo credit: Radboud REshape & Innovation Center via photopin cc
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