mHealth Marketer Podcast
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

Timing is everything. In business and in life.

What’s the best time to hire outside marketing help for your digital health business?

It’s really pretty simple.

Yet only a select few get it right.

About This Show:

Sam Stern, founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic, an mHealth marketing and brand development firm reveals his winning Mobile, Digital and healthcare IT marketing strategies, shares real life Mobile Health marketing success stories, and offers breakthrough marketing tips and tactics so you can lead the field with your Mobile Health and healthcare IT solutions.

Discover how to craft compelling stories to open doors with key health care system decision makers. Understand how an agile marketing mindset and approach positions you to create a profitable, sustainable business.

Gain insights into Mobile Health and healthcare IT marketing strategy, how to tell your unique mHealth and healthcare IT marketing story, creating your mHealth buyer personas, how to integrate an agile marketing process, mobile health and digital health brand development and market positioning, and learn what really works in attracting and landing mobile health and healthcare IT clients.

Show Notes: 

What’s THE key thing you must get right for your marketing to work?

You MUST have a Product-Market Fit.

Your core value proposition that drives your business MUST be clear NOT only to the founder… but everyone in your company…

And especially clear to your target client base.

Without getting this right, hiring ANY marketing agency is expecting the agency to perform an unrealistic miracle.

You see, any money spent on ads, trying to drive traffic to your website with content, connecting on social media results in FORCING a product to market fit on YOUR terms. You’re hoping people buy. Without a Product-Market fit the hard sell approach is required to get any kind of traction. 

Unfortunately, the hard sell doesn’t work today. Buyers are too smart. They have access to too much information. They have lots of choices. In fact, the hard sell is resisted.

Trying to force your Product or Service into the Market makes it almost impossible to gain any sort of traction or marketing momentum. It’s a high-cost low reward way to go about building a business.

When your potential clients experience and validate your product or service, you have a great foundation for business development. Without gaining real live insights directly from your current and potential clients, you’re shooting in the dark. And even the very best marketing strategy and execution will usually miss.

Get Marketing Help Early

Today, your potential clients are exposed to millions of websites. Access to information is instant with mobile phones. Firms of all sizes operate globally rather than within a defined geographic location. People can connect with thousands of other like-minded individuals through social media.

Because your potential clients are so dispersed, it’s crucial that you know EXACTLY what extremely small list of prospects want your product or service.

This is why Product-Market Fit is the first thing you MUST get right if you want your marketing to work

It’s not about the technology of your products or services.

It’s not about the tools you use to do marketing- email, social media, online events, videos…

It’s ALL starts with delivering what your clients want.

Does your digital health product have the right features?

Do your clients clearly “get” the benefits of these features?

So when should you hire a marketing agency?

As soon as you sense there isn’t a clear Product-Market match.

Chances are you’re too close to your own product… especially in the start up phase to get to market… to know what the problem is. And, how to go about fixing it is a whole other story.

But you sense a disconnect.

Hiring a professional CPA or attorney early on in your business can save you thousands… potentially millions.

Likewise, hiring a marketing professional can save you thousands in ad campaigns that don’t work, content marketing that fails to connect, and social media and PR that doesn’t build an audience. 

In addition to these marketing expenses, are the lost opportunities. The sales lost. The client opportunities missed.

The longer you wait, the more opportunities you miss.

If you have your Product-Market Match nailed, odds are in your favor for marketing success. You still might need help on getting your Brand Positioning, Message, and Media to work as a well-oiled marketing machine. Certainly, a marketing agency can help you through this thinking and the process.

But if you lack a Product-Market Match, get the objective perspective, insights,  and expertise of a marketing agency right away. Every day you wait is burning cash in your business.


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