Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

The “New” digital marketing demands creating and promoting an endless steam of content. Many of the so-called digital marketing gurus simply recommend creating lots of great content and all your marketing and sales challenges will suddenly disappear. It seems when you go online looking for marketing direction, you’re soon flooded with tools and tips on content marketing and creation. 

Well… not quite.

In fact, that’s why so many mHealth marketers are overwhelmed and confused. As a result, their content marketing never really gains traction. It doesn’t attract potential buyers. It fails to generate enough of the right kind of leads. Leads aren’t converted into buying clients. 

Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes a lot of effort, testing, adapting, listening, patience and, above all, time to do it “properly”, to make it effective; effective means that you reach or even surpass your well defined goals.

Given this investment needed to build a long-term business asset, here are three things to consider to guide your content marketing thinking:

1. Who are your potential buyers?

Who are you really targeting with your marketing? What are their challenges and pain points? What are they interested in solving? What do they want? Even more, what exactly do they want and expect from your mHealth products and services?

2. How do your potential buyers consume information? 

Where do they go to find information about Mobile Health and information technology? Who do they trust? Do they use search? What websites do they visit? How do they access online information- desktop at their office, laptop in a plane, tablet will on a treadmill, or smartphone between meetings?

Do they read blogs, newsletters, and white papers? Listen to podcasts? Watch videos? What social media platforms do they use and participate in? 

3. How can you help your potential buyers?

How can you help your potential buyers live and work better? How can you make their lives easier? One way to approach this is to collect all the questions they have about your product and services and what you do. Your content then provides the answers to these questions. Your content educates them on how you can help them.

No, this is nothing new. It’s a simple, focused way to clear out all the content marketing hype and noise.

Creating Killer Marketing Content is the Difference Maker in your Digital Health business. Learn now to keep it simple, yet deadly effective. 

Grab the Free Guide: How to Create “Killer” Marketing Content


photo credit: CarbonNYC via photopin cc

mHealth Marketer Podcast

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