Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

Much of the mHealth content I run across is just plain bad. While 9 out of 10 B2B firms use content to build their brand and spread their marketing message, much of this content is self-serving, not really useful or educational, and well, it’s mostly empty filler.

The 3 Big Misses in mHealth Brand Content

So, what’s missing from mHealth brand content? And, what elements must exist for mHealth content to shine, attract prospects, generate leads, and convert them into sales?

“Even though the art and science of content marketing has been around a long time, developing useful content to create a behavioral change in customers (as opposed to traditional marketing and advertising) is unnatural to most brands. The “storytelling muscle” in organizations has atrophied from lack of use over the years as we basked in the glory of mass media.” -Joe Pulizzi

1. Strategy Doesn’t Connect to the Big Vision- Most mHealth or digital health entrepreneurs have a Big Idea, a Big Vision of what they can deliver, or want to deliver to change healthcare IT and build a sustainable long-term business. Yet, a strategy, a game plan to turn this Big Idea into a reality is diconnected, or missing altogether. Give this series of podcasts a listen to discover the steps to create an effective brand content strategy for your mHealth firm.

2. Lack of Focus- Your target buyer persona for your mHealth solutions is trying to solve specific problems and challenges. Speak to these problems and reveal your solutions. Get laser-focused on creating brand content that talks about what your prospects want. 

3. The Buck Must Stop with Somebody- In early stage mHealth startups, someone must be accountable for the results of what you measure in your brand content efforts. Without tracking the metrics and holding somebody responsible, most likely results will not improve.

Your consistent, focused content creation, based on a sound strategy that connects to your ultimate vision builds a brand experience with your prospects and clients. In the past, traditional marketing spent bucks on advertising to create brand awareness. Now, you must orchestrate a brand experience that grabs attention and represents the core of what your business is all about and how you deliver value.

Puzzled about how to create a brand experience for your mHealth firm?

Let’s talk. Reserve your Digital Health Marketing Consultation today.





photo credit: ashley rose, via photopin cc

mHealth Marketer Podcast
Digital Marketing in Healthcare: Behind the Curve?

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