Google Glass Enters the OR... and Health IT Marketing?
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

Move over iPhone. There’s a new, next big thing digital device…

Google Glass.

Google Glass has entered the OR.

So, what’s the appeal of Google Glass for surgeons?

Consider how Google Glass is disrupting how things are done in the OR.

Wearable technology- allows hands-free operation. Key during surgery.

Speech recognition- doctors can dictate on the fly and request data such as patient charts and medical records with voice commands.

Instant access to data- provides doctors and staff the ability to monitor the patients vitals.

Voice activated photos and videos- Easy and quick to take photos and videos to capture the procedure for post-op counseling and review.

Essentially, Google Glass frees the surgeon and support staff to focus on the procedure at hand and minimizes pre-and post surgery administrative tasks. As a result, time is spend on procedures rather than administration.

The Impact for Health IT Marketing?

Google Glass also changes the marketing dynamic. Consider how Google Glass, and other recent Google changes impact your digital marketing strategy and execution:

Keyword Search Phrases Phasing Out- With the Hummingbird update, Google places more emphasis on natural human voice questions. While this impacts local search, it also affects health IT firms operating on a national or global scale too. Rather than a focus on keyword research, now the focus is on providing answers to prospects and customer questions. Imagine a Chief Surgeon after a surgery saying: “Okay Glass, who has the best post-op heart patient digital monitoring program?”

Micro-interactions Mean All-In on Google+-  Glass isn’t designed for long-form content, so you must have a place to connect your content to the search results. Enter Google+. Your Google+ Business Page must be optimized. You must share blog posts, videos, photos on Google+. And, you must build a following on Google+ of prospects and industry influencers who will PLUS, Share, and Comment on your Google + posts, and review your products and services.

Google Glass Apps Opportunity-  While the Mirror API has been a disappointment for developers, the Glass Developers Kit (GDK) is on the way, and should be released shortly.  Imagine a hands free training for cardiac surgeons in residence?

What’s your opinion?

Is Google Glass the next big thing for health IT applications? How does Google Glass potentially impact your marketing?



photo credit: tedeytan via photopin cc

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