Find Time for Digital Health Content Marketing
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

So, you’re sold on content marketing. You know you need content- and lots of it- to market your digital health business. You’re convinced it will work and deliver qualified leads and ultimately sales to your business.

But, in the back of your mind you’re wondering…

“How the heck will we find the time to do content marketing along with all the other things going on in the business?”

Great question. You must find the time to create content, market and promote the content, and then handle the new client work that results from your content marketing efforts. It’s a big ask for lots of businesses… and few businesses do it well.

Here are five tips to find the time for content marketing.

1. Start with Strategy- Rather than simple creating content without an aim or focus, invest time before you dive into content creation in coming up with a solid game plan. Determine your key marketing messages and the story you will tell in your marketing. Research and develop detailed descriptions of your buyer personas

2. Size Doesn’t Matter- Lots of marketers believe they must create long, in-depth content. Maybe. Maybe not. The length of your content depends upon what your potential buyers want and how they consume content. Focus on creating content that solves the propsct’s problem and delivers value… regardless of length.

Remember, your prospects are busy. You’re busy. Write less. Add more value.

3. Recycle Everything- Every piece of content you create potentially can be re-used at another time, in a different place, in another format, or combination of these.

For example, you can pull quotes out of a blog post and use them in a series of scheduled Tweets. Take 5-10 related topic blog posts and string them together, and some editing to connect the dots, and create a free download. Or, record your responses and insights to comments on a blog post and turn it into a podcast.

4. Use Time-Saving Tools- Technology can save you time.  Take advantage of time saving content management systems such as Word Press. Add plug ins to Word Press to help you manage social media, content curation, and content distribution.

5. Get Help- You’re busy creating software products and services. You’re busy serving clients. Building a long term content marketing asset for your business is a significant commitment. According to a recent study conducted by Marketo and the Content Marketing Institute, “65% of B2B enterprise marketers outsource their content marketing.”

If you need help with your digital health content marketing strategy or content creation and execution, let’s invest some time together and see if we can help find some time for your business. 

Click this link to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation Digital Health Marketing Consultation.




photo credit: Jason A. Samfield via photopin cc

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