Daily Downtime for Health IT?
Sam Stern

Sam is the Founder and Chief Marketing Technologist at Modallic. Modallic specializes in brand development and marketing for Mobile Healthcare Technology (mHealth) firms. As a life-long entrepreneur, Sam directs the mHealth storytelling and mHealth agile marketing process unique to the Modallic approach.

According to a Forrester Consulting study, one in every three businesses in North America experiences IT problems on a daily or hourly basis.

That translates into hours of staff downtime, plus the expense of staffing and tools to monitor IT.

Each hour of downtime means a cost of at least $10,000, and as much as $1 million! Imagine how much one hour of downtime costs a hospital surgery unit.

As a result, consistent IT, or IT that works,is one of the top concerns for CEOs, exceeding market and staffing for the first time.

So, let’s break down this critical IT need, and translate it into what those responsible for health IT want.

Once you clearly know what the market wants, you can match your idea with a product or service.

The hospital CIO needs an IT system with minimal or no downtime. He or she needs to minimize staff and monitoring tools expenses to meet the budget. The hospital CEO needs to increase profits of the hospital. This means either reducing expenses or increasing revenues. In the case of health IT, the focus is on reducing expenses. The CEO needs to meet or lower the IT budget numbers.

But what do both the hospital CIO and CEO WANT?

What things about IT could make them happy as a kid getting puppy licks, or so frustrated and upset they want to slam their office door, drink a shot of whiskey, and scream out loud?

Since IT is a necessary evil and viewed as an expense, there’s little opportunity for happiness. It simply needs to work without problems.

However, avoiding pain, frustration, surprises… isn’t this what both the CIO and CEO truly want? 

Experiencing daily IT downtime is painful for both the CIO and CEO because they lose control over  expenses. They hear the complaints from staff about how much IT downtime disrupts their ability to do their jobs. Both the CIO WANT to be in control and reduce stress and friction in their work environment.

They NEED an IT system that works. What they WANT is different.

When your marketing message taps into the emotions of what health IT buyers WANT, and you answer their questions about how to get what they want…

Now, you’re in control of your marketing.

Uncovering what hospital IT future clients truly WANT requires a strategic approach to both your product development and marketing.

If you’d like to learn how to align both your product development and marketing, let’s talk.

Reserve a Digital Health Marketing Assessment today. 




photo credit: gaby53mt via photopin cc

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